Which of these is okay to say:
1. “What I think you need is…”
2. “What I recommend is…”
3. “What you want is…”
4. “What’s best for you is…”
Pick an answer:
– All of them
– None of them
The correct answer: None of them.
People want what they want. Giving an opinion, particularly an unsolicited opinion, is at best inappropriate. Some people will take it as rude. It can come across as presumptive and judgmental. It can make you seem like the “pushy” sales person and that will just about guarantee you don’t make the sale.
What if they ask you for your opinion? Tread lightly with this reply:
“Well, given the condition of your current system, and considering what you said you wanted in your new system, our (BEST, BETTER, GOOD) choice would be the closest match. It’s really up to you. Which one do you think is best for you?
Burger King created a multi-billion dollar business on a simple concept, “Have it your way.” They make burgers the way their customers want them. Try doing the same thing for your customers.
Good selling!