About Us
It’s not about the one-time sale. It’s about the lifetime customer.Tom Piscitelli
Sales Coach
Phone: (425) 985-4534
With over 40 years’ experience in HVAC sales training, sales management, sales coaching, marketing and consulting have given him a broad and diverse business expertise. He has developed his sales training and business capabilities by working with major manufacturers, distributors, contractors, builders and utilities.
In 1997, Tom founded TRUST® Training and Consulting and began conducting sales seminars that have improved the confidence and sales performance of over 8,000 HVAC sales professionals.
His articles have been published in many trade magazines, he often speaks at industry conventions and he particularly enjoys bringing cutting edge training approaches to our industry.
Tom enthusiastically focuses on the sales person’s relationship with the customer as paramount to sales success. “People buy from people, in particular people they trust. Developing professional selling skills that help build a trusting, long-term relationship with customers is what I strive to bring to our sales graduates.”
Tom’s T.R.U.S.T.® and CHOICE® sales processes are focused on creating client relationships that last. His training has been referred to as “the soft-sell with high-skill”.
Proposition Selling
Proposition Selling describes a proven business-to-business sales process on how to effectively sell to any customer. The sales process begins with the territory manager analyzing his or her territory to identify the best opportunities for growth. That requires him to understand each customer individually and create agreement that both parties can benefit from working together. It coaches him on how to earn the right to be seen as a business partner in a long-term business-to-business relationship.
Proposition Selling will take your from start to finish, whether working with large or small accounts, on how to manage your best opportunities and create extraordinary growth.