Strategic Planning
When managers plan, everyone makes their best effort to support what is important.Many owners and managers are frustrated with their employees’ lack of effort and commitment to the company’s success. In most cases the employee is equally frustrated by not having a clear job description, not given regular performance feedback, not have a clear understanding of how they can advance their career or even have a clear understanding of what the company’s goals are. When managers plan their business and communicate the following to their team members, it is much more likely that everyone will make their best effort to support what is important to the company.
- Company Vision for the Future
- Company Mission or Purpose
- Key Goals
- Key Strategies
- Plans for Implementing Strategies and Reaching Goals
- Individual Goals and Measurements
- Regular Performance Feedback
- Rewards for Success
- Coaching for Improvement
- Consequence for Non-performance
You may have a $1M contracting business, a $200M distribution business or a $5B manufacturing business and the challenges you have in getting your team members to support your plans, and each other, are the same. Contact Tom and find out how he can help you create a clear path for your organization to follow on the way to extraordinary success.
It is a longer sales process that produces larger results... Your team will differentiate itself from the competition by being seen as more professional and as consultative problem solvers.
Joe Kelly, VP Sales & Marketing, Behler-Young Company